Wallplayper for Chrome OS

Live wallpapers for your Chrome OS device.

How it works

A full screen window containing a non-interactable YouTube embed or a HTML5 based interactive live wallpaper is placed behind your taskbar/shelf and all your apps.

Setting your wallpaper

First, I recommend installing this site as a PWA/Shortcut. Click the Chrome Menu (3 dots in the corner), then click More Tools, and click Create Shortcut. Name it whatever you like, but just make sure to enable "Open as window".

Now, open the PWA you just installed from the app drawer, click the Wallpapers tab, select your wallpaper, and press the Fullscreen button on the keyboard. Move your cursor to the bottom, and the Shelf will appear. Now just open an app and use your device like normal. And you're done!


  • Because of the way this was made, it is only really made for single-screen devices. However, you can technically open this app multiple times and put the different windows across all your displays. This could however impact device performace.

  • Another limitation is no multiple desks. Because the way the app is run and the limitations of Chrome OS, the app isn't really running in the background. The app is running in the foreground but is covered in your apps. So if you made a new desk and switched to it, the wallpaper would not carry over. A solution would again be opening the app multiple times, but this is a band-aid fix to a larger problem. Not only that, but if you have multiple displays, you'd have to multiply the ammount of displays you have by the ammount of desks you have to see how many times you would have to open the app. (in my case I would have to open the app 9 times because I have 3 displays, and 3 desks.)